Our objective is to provide viewers with content that entertains and teaches at the same time. In turn the subject matter will bring people together and cause them to discuss and share the information and ideas. It is these last two principles that will be the catalyst of impact. We want our content to not only impact individual lives but communities as well.

This is where you come in as an Impact Partner for Lanier Interactive. We want our content to be more than just gathered research. We want the knowledge and information to come directly from qualified and accomplished individuals and companies. This is achieved through video interviews, articles, blogs, podcast and live events.

Lanier Interactive Impact Partners are at the front lines of providing information, resources and services to our viewers, readers, and attendees. Thus the relationship between LI and our Impact Partners is symbiotic. This program is at no cost to you as an Impact Partner and for providing information to the ever increasing LI network we have put together a number of benefits to help you further promote your company, practice, knowledge, resources and services through the program. For complete details download the Impact Partner booklet.

Benefits of being an Impact Partner

  1. Impact the lives of individuals around the world.
  2. Marketing of information, services, and resources.
  3. Part of our global podcasting and RSS network.
  4. Part of press releases and promotions that deal with your topic.
  5. Included in social networking promotions and broadcast.
  6. Information shared with other Impact Partners.
  7. Free web banner on the site where information is posted.
  8. Discounts on all Lanier Interactive media advertisements.